Distant Memory (1)

I decided for this project to not plan anything and do it intuitively. So I went out for about 30 minutes and got back with 3 minutes worth of footage.
For this project, the idea was to make a 30-second film of what Uta Barth would’ve done if she had made Field a videography project.

What I realized with Field is that every picture is a memory. So I decided to make the film a dream.
I went through the clips that I had and picked which ones would be perfect to make the film flow and go like a dream. So I decided to go for 3 major colors: Red, Blue, and Greys/Beiges.
The reason being is that I want to draw the viewer’s attention toward the strongest points in the picture. Might it be the car backlight to the blue building.

Every image of her project was extremely simple, so I decided to make my compositions and sound design simple.
In the shots themselves, I decided to go with handheld shooting instead of on a tripod steady to recreate the imperfect nature of dreams.

I am pretty proud of this overall as my first videography project.


Adam Mabrouk

Photographer & Aspiring Filmmaker